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Friends School Lisburn has supported our work, both locally and globally, for many years. Last spring a team of volunteers from Friends travelled to Romania to support Habitat's work with vulnerable families. This Advent, volunteer Matthew Lewis reflects on what he learned from the families they served.

undefinedOver Easter 2016, we travelled to Ploiesti, Romania with the aim of building homes and hope in the area.

Throughout the week we were blessed to be able to help out such deserving families, by helping construct their new homes.

By the end of the week we had grown so close to all the family members, builders and coordinators – this was evident at the final family dinner when Nikola, a homeowner, recounted her 35-year long journey, that finally led her to a Habitat home for her and her family.

Moving closer to Christmas we will remember Nikola, and all the other families and their positivity and good spirit during tough times, which we can learn much from this Advent Season.

They have truly shown us that it is those around us and the love that they share that matters, not material possessions that we so often get hung up on during the Christmas season.


Please join with us as we pray for the families we have helped and all the lives Habitat has, and will continue to touch.

Make a special Christmas gift to help families in urgent need of a safe place to call home. Learn more about global volunteering opportunities here.

Read more Advent Reflections here

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