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On #InternationalDayofIndigenousPeoples, meet Kavitha and her family.

Kavitha is a very dynamic woman and a natural leader in her community. But she struggled with the home that housed her family. Made with thatch and wood, it was difficult to keep the wind and rain out, especially during the monsoon season.

“Before, the rains used to come into my house,” said Kavitha. “Because of this it was broken and falling apart around us. We didn’t even have any space to sit or to sleep.”

For years, the Irula tribal community has lived in kutcha houses made of bamboo and with thatched roofs. They live a hand-to-mouth existence as their occupation involves manual labour, fishing or rat-catching. Habitat for Humanity India partnered with the Irula community Kavitha is part of, to build homes with them.

“I am overjoyed to get to live in this new home with a kitchen and bathroom. Here we have enough space to eat, sleep and rest.” says Kavitha.

Habitat India is continuing to serve the Irula community in Tamil Nadu during the COVID-19 pandemic, through Hygiene and Family Essential Kits that support them during the lockdown.

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