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A foreword from Habitat NI Chief Executive, Jenny Williams, in the Winter 2017 edition of our newsletter.

Change often begins small. Habitat began on a small farm in Southern Georgia which lived in radical Christian witness to the deeply segregated community around it.

Habitat's mission, to demonstrate the love of Christ by bringing people together to build homes, communities and hope, grew from that small place. Habitat began with one home and has served 10 million people.

Change begins with a single voice and gets stronger with more people who stand up, speak out and work together for change.

Our newsletter shares some of the stories of change that your support makes possible. Read how change is happening locally, from Habitat ReStore to our latest project with the Welcome Organisation.

Our partnership with Habitat Ethiopia continues to transform the future for many people in need, including families affected by disability.

In a world where 1 in 4 people live in poverty housing, and where vulnerable communities are disproportionately affected by disaster, there is so much more to do.

When people like you fundraise, volunteer and pray; lives are changed. Read about some of the ways faithful supporters join us in mission to end poverty housing here.

Change can begin with you!

Together, let's help build a world where everyone has a decent place to live.

In partnership,

Jenny Williams, Chief Executive

Read our Winter 2017 newsletter online now or support our work by making a donation here.

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